Home Workout Equipment

You may thinking about getting some stuff so you can work out from home. I have put together here some things that I think work great for a practical home gym.


Something that you can use a lot are dumbbells. IF you are looking at getting some things to work out at home you should definitely consider picking up some dumbbells. You can use these for all kinds of different exercises for all different body parts and they are able to be stored under a bed or where ever you choose. The best part is you don’t need every single size of dumbbell. As you get stronger you can pick up bigger weights and add them to your collection and over time have a decent amount of weights. You can even get adjustable ones from Bow flex.

Resistance bands.

Like the dumbbells these are a must have for the person that is grabbing some home gym equipment. Resistance bands are probably more versatile than dumbbells and easier to store. I like these because you can mimic the moves that you would do with some of the machines at the gym. For instance I have a bar in my basement i throw my resistance band over it and I can now perform a tri push down just like the gym.

Jump Rope

I think a great item to have with your home work out equipment is a jump rope. For those of us that may not have the money or the space for a treadmill, jump rope gives us that ability to do some cardio. Jump ropes are relatively cheap and can easily be stored in a drawer alongside your resistance bands. You can even buy some weighted jump ropes to give you that extra umph to burn more calories.

Well that’s a quick short list of some things you may consider when buying home gym equipment. If you liked this post hit and like button and share with your friends.


Encourage All

Maybe at some point you have seen someone at the gym that is a bigger person. I am talking someone that is pretty obese. The problem in today’s society is we show this facade that we are all loving and politically correct and turn are back on people when they need us the most. I have seen it many times when someone is putting in good solid work and they are being torn down by others just because of their size. What you need to do is be a better person and let them know they are doing a good job.

Many people who struggle with weight problems have been fighting a struggle for a big part of their lives. I remember being younger before I was active and always being a the “fat kid”. This label discourages you and even when you are making real progress it doesn’t take much to knock you down because your conditioned you are nothing. So to that big guy walking slowly around the gym or that big girl using the elliptical let them know they are doing a good job. Anybody that is in the gym is doing more than someone sitting at home on their couch. Tell people they look great and you look forward to seeing them tomorrow.

Well that is my little service post for the day. So encourage everybody even if they aren’t big and grow healthier together.

Benchmark Photos

We all have those times where we need extra motivation to get going to the gym and focusing on our diet. I think a great way to give you that extra push is to take a benchmark or before photo.

Taking a photo of your self now will help you see the progress that you can’t see every day in the mirror. The problem with seeing yourself every day is you don’t get to see the changes that are happening over time. By taking a photo today and then over time looking at it comparing how you look not you can get confidence that the sacrifice and work you are putting in every day is working. Another bonus to this is that you can look at where you started say out of shape and push yourself harder to make sure you drive yourself to not look like that again.The only thing to do is start snapping pics and start your journey.

When taking pictures I would suggest setting a set amount of time to take a picture like every two weeks or so. Two weeks is the time it usually takes for your body to get used to your workout so if you are switching it up every two weeks you will be forcing your body to change and also seeing these results. Something else you can do while taking these pictures is adding stats in with them. For example add what you weighed when you started or another value you would like to track and see how that changes over time.  Before you know it you will have a cool souvenir of your journey with yourself.

Well that is it for today’s post hope it got you thinking to get the motivation you need. If you liked the post hit that like button and share with your friends.

Here is a link to some cheap journals to keep your journey in Click Here

Shoulder workout

This is the last updated workout day for a new weekly plan. I saved shoulders for last because it is my favorite day and I wanted to make sure that I put some thought into how to spice it up. I am going to keep the info on the keys or what not short to see if you followed the directions of my other posts. If you don’t know how to perform one of these exercises do your research and watch a few you tube videos. There are also phone apps that show you how to perform these. Doing them properly will help you grow way faster than those that don’t.

Even tho I said I wasn’t going to give you a real key with these make sure you watch your form in a mirror it will help you to see if you are raising the weight the same on each side of your body.

Arnold press- 4×10 –

Side lat raises 4×10- The key to get those real bubbly popps on your shoulders is going behind your lower back with the weight to start. Then forcing it up.

Front lat raise 4×10

Upright rows 4×8

Dumbbell Shrugs 4×10- on your last rep hold these for 10 Seconds.

That is it for this updated workout hope you like it. Stay focused and share these tips with your friends.

Here is a link to some protein powder that will help you recover faster and grow those muscles that you have been working on. Click Here



Leg Train

Well the other day I put up a new arm workout so must be time to get those legs a new work out.

Stair stepper– 15 minutes put that stair stepper on a medium pace and get those legs nice and warmed up to lift some weight.

Squat 4×8- Pack on some decent weight making sure you get to at least 90 degrees with your legs. You want a nice tukus then you need to squat.

Front Squat 4×10 – same as regular squatting lower yourself to 90 and then pop back up. The key is how you hold the weight against your chest.

Leg Curls 4×15- Make sure you are controlling the weight in both directions. the slower you move the more muscle fibers you will tear which will help you grow bigger.

Walking Lunges– 4 sets of 20 feet. So with these walking lunges you are going to left leg right leg lunge forward. If you are no feeling this as you are doing it your most likely doing it wrong. Make sure to not use momentum and just your leg strength pull yourself up.

Body Weight squats 4×20- this is a good finish to a solid work out.  because you are doing these with just your body weight doesn’t mean you should fire them off fast because its lighter than the others. Use nice controlled movements and get real deep.

Well that is it for today addition of this blog. If you liked this workout hit the like button and share with your friends.

Here is a link to some knee braces for those that prefer the extra support Click Here